#WellnessWednesday: The Perks and Bennies of Chamomile
an aromatic European plant of the daisy family, with white and yellow daisylike flowers.

Soothing. Calming. Subtle. All of these words can be used when talking about the amazing flower that is chamomile.
It's ability to calm premenstrual cramps and intense headache pain make it a product that most certainly should be in your home for common day-to-day use. The calming affect of chamomile can also be used to promote healthy, restful sleep patterns.

One of the best way to enjoy the wonderful benefits is in tea. SubtleTEAS by 303 Face | Body offers a wonderful blend, Herbal Peace, that delivers a light, intoxicating aroma, blended with hibiscus flower and other floral blends that may very well see you indulging in numerous cups a day.. which in all honesty, who doesn't want consistent calm and peace all through the day, via a nice cup of tea? That is never a bad thing.


Marci C Lundy is the Founder and CEO of 303 Face | Body.