#FeelingFriday: Come and Sit a Spell.
When was the last time you sat down? Granted, you may very well be sitting at this moment.. what I mean is when is the last time you sat...

#FeelingFriday: What a Tangled Web We Weave When at First We Start to Deceive.
de·ceive dəˈsēv/ verb (of a person) cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal...

#WellnessWednesday: The Perks and Bennies of Chamomile
cham·o·mile ˈkaməˌmēl,ˈkaməˌmīl/ noun NORTH AMERICAN an aromatic European plant of the daisy family, with white and yellow daisylike...

Wellness Wednesday: The Peace Within (and Out)
... and taking care of of our external body, our temple, is equally important. Self care consists of a myriad of different things, and...